Latest Episodes

Superwoman Complex
In this episode, Courtney opens up and candidly shares her fight with the "Superwoman Complex" - a term coined in the 1980's for women...

In this episode, J and Courtney discuss happiness from what we think it is, to what it isn't. Together, they explore how happiness is...

Your Body Holds The Score
In this episode, Courtney shares a very candid experience when her body remembered trauma before she was consciously aware. It was an incredibly powerful...

Life Advice
In this episode, J & Courtney respond to a listener's request to share their most valuable life advice. You won't want to miss this...

Parenting Through Trauma
In this episode, J and Courtney discuss parenting, the different styles, and how trauma can directly interfer with parenting.

Trauma Bonds
In this epsisode, J and Courtney discuss what a trauma bond is, what leads to getting into one, and how you can identify whether...