Don't Take It Personal: It isn't about you

Episode 61 March 01, 2023 00:20:02
Don't Take It Personal: It isn't about you
J & Courtney's In It Together: Mental Health & Healing Trauma
Don't Take It Personal: It isn't about you

Mar 01 2023 | 00:20:02


Show Notes

In this episode, J and Courtney discuss the importance of not taking things personally. Courtney, in the hot-seat, again...discusses how this has been one of the most challenging things to overcome. At times, she still struggles with it and is very candid about her journey with learning to let things go and be as they are. 


Do you struggle with feeling as if everything is a personal attack? Does it feel like even positive constructive feedback hurts? If so, listen to this episode! Remember, we aren't ever alone - we are alone together!



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